
BMTL Workshop

Conference Venue

The "Bringing Maths to Life" Workshop will be held on October 19th-21st, 2015, in Naples at the Partenope Conference Centre.

The Partenope Conference Centre is on Naples main sea-front promenade; it has a beautiful view and at the same time is central to the city and close to the best hotels available.It offers high standard equipment and high level comfort in order that every stage of a conference can be managed to the fullest.The "Aula Magna" was previously used by the business college, but it is now staged for conferences; it can seat 148 people in its main room and adjoins a press office, and restaurant area.

The address of the Partenope Conference Centre is:
Via Partenope 36 - 80121 Napoli

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Organizing Institutions

YES Meet BMTL Workshop Headquarters: Organizing Secretariat: YES Meet - Via S. Nicola, 4 - Sorrento [NA] - Italia P.IVA 05876631218
Phone: +39 081 8770604 - Fax: +39 081 8770258 - E-mail:

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